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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Google... Evil?

Is Google evil? Probably, especially according to this article on the BBC today.


My argument has nothing to do with the Italian Court's ruling that Google is liable for the content posted by users on Youtube, but it does bring up an issue that's been bothering me.

Is Google to powerful?

I watched its superbowl commercial to "awws" and "shucks, ain't that cute" from the audience.  Isn't it nice to have a company that can let you stalk French girls from all the way across the Atlantic ocean?  And more importantly, a company that knows who your stalking at what time and where in the world your stalking from?

Google has turned harmless internet infatuation into a disturbing corporate past time.  As recently as a year ago, Google began monitoring my Google account's web history without my permission.  Luckily, I found this out and turned off the service.  But, why does a massive multimedia monolith need to know how often I Google myself at work?

I can't answer that without being irrational, but maybe a governing body greater than mine should be watching over this massive company, held accountable by only its share holders. 

Let me be more blunt, someone should be watching over Google.  I'm not sure what they're up to with my credit card and porn habits.

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